Tackling the Turkey Neck: 4 Treatments That Target Neck Fat!

Tackling the Turkey Neck: 4 Treatments That Target Neck Fat!

Getting rid of neck fat can be a major challenge for so many of us. This super stubborn fat is often resistant to diet and exercise. As a result, it makes it challenging to eliminate a turkey neck by eating clean or spending hours in the gym. Thankfully, in this day and age, various procedures are available that can help banish neck fat and achieve a more sculpted and defined neckline in little to no time.

From non-invasive techniques like CoolSculpting Elite and ultherapy to more invasive options like Kybella injections and liposuction, we have a range of options at our fingertips in order to tackle our neck fat woes. Keep reading as we explore these different procedures so you can decide which of these solutions may be the best fit for you to achieve the slimmed, sculpted neck you desire.

CoolSculpting Elite to Shrink Neck Fat

CoolSculpting Elite is a popular non-surgical fat reduction treatment that helps sculpt and tone the neck. This FDA-cleared procedure freezes and permanently kills stubborn fat and is an excellent option for those who are afraid of needles or do not wish to experience recovery time. Coolsculpting Elite is also way less invasive and safer than other fat-reduction procedures. Best of all, CoolSculpting Elite is available to treat many areas of the body, including the chin and neck.

This treatment uses fat-freezing technology called cryolipolysis to freeze unwanted fatty tissue in the neck. Coolsculpting Elite sessions run about 45 minutes long. A series of three treatments is recommended, depending on your aesthetic goals. After each fat-freezing session, you may experience redness, numbness, or swelling. However, these symptoms go away on their own. You can resume your regular schedule following your treatment. On average, patients notice a significant reduction in their neck fat at four to five weeks after treatment.

CoolSculpting provides a lasting fat reduction because once removed, and the fat cells can never return. As opposed to fat reduction procedures such as liposuction, CoolSculpting is a great option for those who do not want to undergo anesthesia or endure painful needles or lengthy recovery times.

Related Reading: Sono Bello vs CoolSculpting Elite>>

Combining Semaglutide and CoolSculpting to Destroy Neck Fat

Semaglutide is a safe and effective drug to jumpstart your weight loss journey so you can look and feel your very best. Semaglutide mimics a hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 that we naturally produce in our intestines—the drug works by decreasing blood sugar levels and regulating insulin. When you inject it, it suppresses your appetite and makes you feel fuller faster. As a result, Semaglutide increases your metabolism and reduces cravings.

When Semaglutide is paired with a fat-freezing procedure like CoolSculpting Elite, you can supercharge your weight loss efforts and lose neck fat faster. Individuals inject themselves with the medication once a week. According to clinical trials, it is possible to lose up to 20 lbs. with Semaglutide over a period of 26-30 weeks.

Kybella Injections to Combat Neck Fat

Kybella is another treatment to eliminate neck fat and double chin fat. Kybella is made of a substance called deoxycholic acid, which is naturally found in our bodies. When you inject this acid into the fatty tissue below the chin and neck, it dissolves the fat cells. Over time, the body naturally removes the fat cells that Kybella has destroyed. If you are afraid of needles, Kybella may not be for you.

The entire Kybella treatment takes about 30 minutes. Four to six treatments are recommended, spaced one month apart. After each session, patients may experience swelling or redness. Results are visible after two sessions.

A major risk with Kybella is significant swelling, bruising, or pain at the injection site. There is also a risk of nerve damage and numbness. The injections can also reduce uneven or lumpy fat if not done correctly.

Ultherapy to Reduce Neck Fat

Ultherapy is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure that uses ultrasound technology to tighten and lift skin on the face, neck, and chest. The ultrasound energy penetrates deep into the skin layers. As a result, Ultherapy boosts collagen production and tightens sagging skin and loose folds. The treatment does not reduce fat by eliminating skin or fat cells.

The whole treatment takes around 30 minutes, and you can return to normal activities right after treatment. Results are visible three to six months following a single treatment. Some potential risks of Ultherapy include temporary numbness and tingling or swelling of the treated area. Other potential risks include mild discomfort during treatment and a slight chance of experiencing burns or blistering.

Neck Liposuction to Zap Fat

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that removes unwanted fat from various parts of the body, like the neck.

Liposuction creates a more defined neckline and jawline when performed on a saggy turkey neck neck. The procedure can also help tighten the skin in the neck area, giving it a more youthful and rejuvenated look.

This surgery requires a lengthy healing process, including swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Recovery time is several weeks. One of the main risks is infection. If bacteria enter the body during the procedure, it can lead to swelling, redness, and pain in the area of the incisions. Another risk is uneven fat removal.

Tackle Turkey Neck with CoolSculpting and Semaglutide

Non-surgical fat reduction like CoolSculpting Elite is a great option to consider if you are ready to tone up your turkey neck without undergoing invasive surgery or dealing with potential side effects. By contacting Emerson Medical, you can learn more about how CoolSculpting Elite treatments can help you permanently eliminate stubborn neck and chin fat and sculpt your appearance. We are proud to be a top provider of CoolSculpting Elite in Staten Island and New York City. In addition, we also offer Semaglutide injections and a variety of nutritional counseling to help ensure your neck fat stays gone for good!

Please call us at (718) 448-3800 to secure your complimentary consultation or reach out to us online. Speak with one of our qualified and highly experienced staff members to discover how CoolSculpting Elite is a true game changer in the aesthetic industry. We can’t wait to help you zap your turkey neck and achieve the snatched, sculpted profile of your dreams.

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