What Areas Can CoolSculpting Treat?

CoolSculpting is a popular nonsurgical procedure for reducing pockets of isolated fat cells in areas of the body. This revolutionary treatment contours your body, delivering an ideal figure without incisions, surgery, or recovery. Due to the design of the treatment and the noninvasive cooling technology, you can slim your body and get back to your routine without missing a beat!

The benefits of CoolSculpting are seemingly endless, especially for people who are so close to their perfect body weight but still struggling with diet and exercise-resistant fat cells.

If you’re interested in body contouring with CoolSculpting, you may have questions regarding the CoolSculpting treatment areas. To help you navigate this question, we have put together a treatment area guideline so you know what areas fat freezing works on and what to expect after your cooling cycles.

What Type of Fat Does CoolSculpting Treat?

Before we get into the treatment area guideline, it is important to know and understand the type of fat CoolSculpting targets.

You may not know it, but there are different types of fat in the body, and they are each located in a different place and serve different purposes. CoolSculpting treatments are specifically designed to target fat cells directly under the skin's surface. This fat is called subcutaneous fat.

Grabbing your lower tummy or inner thighs and squeezing the pinchable fat under your skin is perfect for CoolSculpting sessions. While we need some fat in our bodies, too much fat buildup can cause many issues, including serious health concerns. CoolSculpting helps reduce unnecessary subcutaneous fat from problematic areas like the lower abdomen, the buttocks, inner thighs, and more.

What Areas on the Body Commonly Collect Subcutaneous Fat?

For most people, primarily women, subcutaneous fat tends to gather in the arms, thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. For men, they tend to gather this type of fat in their stomach, chest, and arms.

No matter gender, subcutaneous fat is also affected by hormones, genetics, and lifestyle choices.

What Areas Can You Treat with CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting sessions work perfectly on subcutaneous fat cells in the following areas:

How Fat Freezing Works on Each CoolSculpting Treatment Area

CoolSculpting for the Stomach or Belly

Belly fat. We all hate it, and unfortunately, we all tend to deal with it, no matter our lifestyle or healthy choices. Luckily, CoolSculpting Elite has an applicator that is perfectly engineered to easily treat belly fat, mostly in the lower abdomen.

During CoolSculpting sessions, the Cryolipolysis or cooling technology perfectly penetrates the skin without harming or damaging surrounding tissues so that it can target those stubborn fat cells.

After your CoolSculpting treatment plan is over for your abdomen, you will notice a reduction in belly fat, a smoother midsection, and a more contoured waistline.

CoolSculpting Love Handles or Flanks

The love handles or flanks are another popular CoolSculpting treatment area. This area can hold onto stubborn fat in both men and women. So, regardless of your gender, you may deal with pesky fat on your love handles that leads to the dreaded “muffin top.”

Luckily, CoolSculpting Elite targets the love handles using an ergonomic applicator. CoolSculpting Elite’s new Curve Series applicators make it possible to comfortably eliminate fat on the love handles. The Curve 120 and Curve 150 are expertly designed to sculpt your love handles or flanks while reducing unwanted fat cells for sleek body curves free from fat buildup.

CoolSculpting Back Fat

The back is another area that tends to want to cling onto stubborn fat. If you’re struggling with fat on the upper or lower back, CoolSculpting Elite sessions using the innovative Curve 240 applicator. This new C-shaped applicator is 30% lighter and can connect better with tissue. This means a more impressive fat reduction in the back. In addition, this applicator is comfortable, and best of all, it reduces more fat than the previous CoolSculpting Legacy applicators.

CoolSculpting vs. Sono Bello: Learn how CoolScultpting weighs in against this competitor>>

CoolSculpting Thighs

The thighs are another trouble zone for both men and women. A big problem with the thighs is that the skin on the outer thighs is very hard to pinch. This is why the makers of CoolSculpting created the Surface applicator. This device is perfect for treating areas on the body that do not have enough fat to suction up into the regular applicators—perfect for treating the outer thighs and even the abdomen.

During CoolSculpting thighs treatment, the applicator delivers a perfectly calibrated cooling that targets and “freezes” those stubborn fat cells in the thighs, rupturing their cell membrane, and causing the fat cell to die. As a result, you can enjoy sleek, slender legs without surgery or pain!

CoolSculpting Upper Arms

Struggling with chicken wings or bat wings? CoolSculpting Elite can help! Cooling cycles work perfectly on the upper arm and target those stubborn fat deposits that tend to gather in the upper arm. They can mimic the appearance of wings when you shake your arms.

If you’ve been embarrassed to wear tank tops or strapless dresses, CoolSculpting Elite sessions can help you wear those clothing items with confidence by perfectly destroying fat cells and contouring slim, attractive arms.

CoolSculpting for a Double Chin

The submental region, i.e., the chin and neck, is a popular area for gathering stubborn fat deposits. In fact, millions of people worldwide struggle with submental fullness and the dreaded double chins and turkey necks. Thankfully, CoolSculpting Elite treatments have the Curve 80 applicator. This device is smaller and perfect for treating harder-to-reach areas like the neck and chin.

After your CoolSculpting chin and neck treatment, you will notice a significant reduction in submental fullness. Yes, you can finally say “bye-bye” to embarrassing double chins and neck fat for good with CoolSculpting sessions!

Who Can Benefit from CoolSculpting Treatments?

Now that you have a great idea of what areas CoolSculpting can treat and what to expect during that treatment, you may wonder if CoolSculpting is a good solution for you.

  1. CoolSculpting is perfect for anyone who is unable to shed excess fat cells despite diet and exercise. However, there are some primary requirements, including:
    As discussed in this article, Areas must be within CoolSculpting treatment area guidelines.

  2. You should be within 25 pounds of your ideal weight.

  3. You must be healthy and free from any risk factors or medications that may interfere with the CoolSculpting procedure.

If you want to learn more about CoolSculpting and if you are the best candidate for this nonsurgical, noninvasive fat reduction treatment, schedule a consultation with your nearest CoolSculpting provider.

Reduce Fat with CoolSculpting in NYC

If you want to shed those last few stubborn pounds and contour a more sexy, slender body, contact the CoolSculpting experts in NYC, Emerson Medical. We are proud to be the leading provider of CoolSculpting on Staten Island in New York, where we serve the fantastic clients of NYC. Call us at (718) 448-3800 to schedule a consultation and discover if this fat reduction method suits your aesthetic body goals

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