Semaglutide Diet Plan: What to Eat While Taking this Weight Loss Medication

Semaglutide Diet Plan: What to Eat While Taking this Weight Loss Medication

Semaglutide is the newest and most popular long-term weight loss medication available today. While the medication alone does incredible wonders for your health, it is important to consume healthy foods and drinks to support the effectiveness of this fantastic drug.

In addition, if you are taking Semaglutide, certain foods can cause adverse side effects you may want to avoid. Some foods can also make controlling your blood sugar levels harder and work against your weight loss efforts.

If you’re taking Semaglutide but are struggling with your diet. In that case, we have put together a comprehensive Semaglutide diet plan to help educate you on what to eat, what not to eat, and how to make the most of your incredible weight loss journey using GLP-1s.

What to Eat While on Semaglutide

When taking Semaglutide, changing your diet and lifestyle habits is important to ensure you’re getting the most out of this journey. Several people report side effects of bloating, stomach pain, and nausea while they are taking Semaglutide. However, if you are mindful of what you eat and drink, you can mitigate and avoid these effects. Choosing nutrient-rich foods is key to preventing side effects of Semaglutide.

Additionally, it is important to be mindful of your appetite and refrain from overeating when you feel full. Following a balanced, whole-food diet and incorporating the foods below will maximize your results with Semaglutide.

Related reading: Learn How To Reset Your Metabolism

Lean Protein is Vital to Your Diet While Taking Semaglutide

We all know how important it is to consume protein, but it is even more valuable for someone taking Semaglutide to eat lean protein for every meal. Adding protein to your diet helps reduce blood sugar spikes post-meal, enhancing your feeling full to avoid overeating.

A good guideline is to fill ¼ of your plate with protein. Incorporating lean proteins such as skinless chicken breast, white fish, lean meat, or plant proteins is a good way to get your protein in and feel fuller. These types of foods are low in saturated fat and calories, which can help you lose weight.

Try Adding Complex Carbohydrates into Your Semaglutide Diet

Complex carbs like quinoa, whole wheat pasta, or brown rice are extremely fiber-rich. They are also easy to digest and absorb slowly into the bloodstream, unlike their counterpart, refined carbs. As a result, complex carbs help cause a slower, lower rise in blood sugar levels and help you feel full longer throughout the day. When loading up your plate for a meal, try to fill it with ¼ complex carbs.

Try Snacking on Seeds, Nuts, Fruits, and Veggies

If you’re taking Semaglutide, you won’t feel hungry enough to eat larger meals. Rather, you may find yourself snacking on smaller things. Try to make it a point to snack on things that are high in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats. Foods like seeds, nuts, fruits, and vegetables are the perfect snack for taking Semaglutide. Not only will they help properly fuel your body, giving you energy and helping you avoid overeating or eating bad foods, but they are also incredibly good for you.

Nuts and seeds are also high in essential minerals like zinc and magnesium, which boost energy and support a strong immune system.

Drink Lots of Water

Drinking lots of water and staying hydrated is important while taking a GLP-1 like Semaglutide. Your small and large intestines absorb water from your food. The longer gastric emptying takes, the drier your solid waste will be. Dry, hard stools are uncomfortable and difficult to pass. However, drinking plenty of water is a great way to prevent this. As a rule of thumb, you should consume 30 mL of fluids per kilogram of body weight, or about 0.5 oz/lbs of your body weight.

What to Avoid Eating While Taking Semaglutide

Some foods may can increase Semaglutide side effects of bloating, abdominal pain, or cramping. Avoiding these foods will help you feel better, improve your experience with Semaglutide, and help make your weight loss journey much more enjoyable.

Avoid Sugary Foods

While taking Semaglutide, you should be very mindful of the amount of sugar in your diet. Limiting sugary foods like soda pop, candy, sweets, and other baked goods containing a lot of sugar will do wonders for your weight loss experience. These types of foods often cause serious spikes in blood sugar, which makes losing weight difficult.

Stop Consuming Processed Foods

Whether you’re taking Semaglutide or not, restricting processed foods is necessary for every diet. Highly processed foods like cereals, pasta, pre-packaged foods, and white bread are packed full of unhealthy saturated fats and excessive amounts of sugar and cause large spikes in blood sugar.

In addition, these foods are usually very high in calories, highly inflammatory, and should be avoided while following a healthy Semaglutide diet.

Stay Away from Fried Foods

Fried foods like fast food items are high in calories and unhealthy fats like saturated and trans-fats. These foods are also tough on your digestive system, making it difficult to digest and causing abdominal pain. French fries, fried chicken, and battered burgers contribute to inflammation. These foods can also cause indigestion, bloating, gas, and stomach cramps. Aim to swap fried food for grilled or fresh alternatives to cut down on excess calories, fats, and sodium.

Semaglutide Diet FAQs

  • While taking Semaglutide helps many people lose weight because they decrease their amount of food intake due to the medication's ability to suppress appetite and help you feel fuller longer—you still need to adopt healthy eating habits. Monitoring your diet to get the best possible weight loss results is important.

  • You should avoid drinking alcohol while following a Semaglutide diet. Alcohol contributes to weight gain and can cause dehydration, disrupt sleep, and make losing weight hard.

Have Your Semaglutide Diet Questions Answered by an Expert

If you’re taking Semaglutide, or are interested in this new weight loss medication, and still have questions about what to eat or not eat, contact Emerson Medical in Staten Island, New York. We are proud to be a leading provider of Semaglutide on Staten Island.

Call us now at (718) 448-3800 to schedule your Semaglutide consultation and learn everything you need to know, including what to eat and drink, during this weight loss experience.

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