CoolSculpting Side Effects and Risks

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CoolSculpting Side Effects and Risks

CoolSculpting is a revolutionary fat reduction treatment that eliminates stubborn fat cells without surgery or downtime. This non-surgical alternative to liposuction uses controlled cooling to safely and effectively freeze away bulges from the abdomen, flanks, arms, thighs, chest, back and neck area. Because the treatment is non-invasive, CoolSculpting side effects are rare and the risk of adverse complications is very low. However, there are some common symptoms following the treatment that you should be aware of and there are certain precautions that ensure your safety when undergoing a fat freezing treatment.

Learn more about CoolSculpting >>

Cool Sculpting Risk

Cool Sculpting is an FDA cleared treatment with an impressive safety profile. Numerous scientific studies that have substantiated this safety profile. In “Cryolipolysis For Noninvasive Body Contouring” published in the journal of Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, researchers found “Cryolipolysis has been proven to be a very safe method for body contouring, and is accomplished with only minimal discomfort.” They concluded, “cryolipolysis is considered to be both safe and efficient with a high patient satisfaction rate.”

In “Safety, tolerance, and patient satisfaction with noninvasive cryolipolysis,” published in the journal of Dermatological Surgery, investigators examined the experience and results of 518 CoolSculpting patients. They noted, “No significant side effects or adverse events were reported,” and further commented, “The procedure was well-tolerated, with 89% of respondents reporting a positive perception of treatment duration and 96% reporting minimal to tolerable discomfort.” The researchers concluded, “With proper patient selection, cryolipolysis is a safe, well-tolerated, and effective treatment method for reduction of subcutaneous fat.”

Knowing that CoolSculpting is safe and effective, it is still important to take certain precautions to ensure your safety and mitigate any risk. The best way to do this is choose a certified Cool Sculpting provider. There are many knock off Cool Sculpting machines and certain spas who offer “fat freezing” at a discounted rate for unsuspecting customers. These machines are not cleared by the FDA, their operators are not trained, and patient safety is at risk when undergoing a fake fat freezing treatment. In addition to finding a certified provider, ensure your CoolSculpting Staten Island provider is highly experienced. There are many new CoolSculpting providers. You want to choose one who has ample experience performing this technique sensitive procedure. By choosing a certified, qualified provider, like Dr. Natalya Chalik, your CoolSculpting risk is virtually zero.

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CoolSculpting Side Effects

CoolSculpting side effects are rare. During your complimentary consultation with Dr. Natalya Chalik, CoolSculpting side effects will be discussed in detail. While it is highly unlikely you will experience any negative indications during or after your fat freezing treatment, it is important to understand that there are certain symptoms associated with an immune response that you may experience following your treatment.

Following treatment, you may experience tenderness, swelling, redness, and bruising as your body goes to work clearing all the frozen fat cells. These symptoms are localized to the treatment area and are usually mild and short lasting. Symptoms should resolve themselves within a week or so after your treatment.

Related Article: How Does CoolSculpting Work? >>

CoolSculpting Near Me

Learn more about CoolSculpting and find out if fat freezing is right for you by contacting Dr. Natalya Chalik of Emerson medical to schedule a complimentary consultation. Contact Emerson online or by calling (718) 448-3800.